Sustainability Developer Baltics

Position: Sustainability Developer Baltics
Location: Riga, Vilnius, Tallinn
At IKEA we want to have a positive impact on people, society, and the planet. As a Sustainability Developer Baltics you will contribute to secure that the IKEA sustainability agenda is an integrated part of our IKEA Baltics retail business and stakeholder development and is implemented in a strategic and consistent way. Together with our business teams, you will set priorities and goals for internal stakeholders to execute sustainability actions and priorities. You will also have the responsibility to secure collection, verification, aggregation and reporting of sustainability data.
What you will be doing:
- Lead the development and implementation of the sustainability agenda (strategy, tactics) in IKEA Baltics Retail organization according to IKEA People and Planet positive strategy, ensuring a common understanding of sustainability ambitions and making them business relevant.
- Lead and support integration of key sustainability parameters into the business and its processes, ways of working, tools, and competence.
- Develop and implement relevant sustainability goals, measurements and follow ups. Identify, monitor and act on sustainability trends, policy developments and business opportunities.
- Contribute to identify and mitigate sustainability risks.
- Support the business with expertise regarding sustainability and how to navigate based on a holistic view of the sustainability agenda in the business.
- Initiate and/or lead tactical sustainability projects and topics.
- Manage change by inspiring and guiding stakeholders in sustainability matters by e.g. facilitate workshops, competence development and create support material.
We will love you from the first day, but we will adore you if you:
- Needed professional experience of working in sustainability area for at least 3 years.
- Good knowledge of national trends and goals within the area of sustainability.
- Knowledge in relevant legislation relating to sustainability.
- Experience in leading sustainability topics in complex multi-stakeholder environments.
- Experience in leading and participating in change management processes.
- Passion and commitment to be part of developing the IKEA sustainability agenda in Baltic countries.
- Fluent in English, both spoken and written (English language requirements are based on the employer's international environment to ensure continued collaboration within the international team and to facilitate project performance)
As our Sustainability Developer Baltics, you are equipped with experience, knowledge and skills to drive implementation of strategic and tactical initiatives supporting sustainability agenda implementation as well as you are able to integrate analyses into long-term planning.
You have good leadership capabilities including high commitment to business goals by thinking holistically, long-term and driving towards expected benefits. You enjoy leading with and through others and has excellent ability to build, lead across and develop strong stakeholder networks. You have strong communication skills and the ability to inspire others.
You are highly motivated to contribute to positive sustainability developments, you are a proactive and fact-based decision maker with the ability to prioritize, delegate and escalate when you identify gaps and new opportunities to support the business.
Why you will love working with us:
- Monthly salary from 3500 Eur/month gross, depending on professional qualifications and experience.
- Opportunity to generate and implement ideas, lead change and inspire many.
- Fast-moving and dynamic international work environment.
- Professional development opportunities and continuous learning.
- Supportive co-workers, willing to have fun together.
- Health insurance.
- Hybrid working schedule.
- Meals at amazing prices in our co-worker restaurant.
- Swedish design uniform.
- Gift cards and celebrations.
Find the job advert in Latvian here:

- Nodaļa
- Baltics
- Amats
- Sustainability Developer Baltics
- Atrašanās vietas
- Rīga, Tallinn, Vilnius
- Attālinātais statuss
- Hibrīds
- Darba veids
- Pilna slodze, Hybrid
- Atalgojums
- from 3500 EUR gross
- Sazinies ar mums
- 27029003
Par IKEA Latvija
IKEA vīzija ir radīt labāku ikdienas dzīvi daudziem. Mūsu biznesa ideja ir piedāvāt plašu klāstu funkcionālu, laba dizaina mājokļa labiekārtošanas preču par tik zemām cenām, lai tās varētu atļauties pēc iespējas vairāk cilvēku.
Mēs veidojam ilgtermiņa attiecības ar piegādātājiem, investējam automatizētā ražošanas procesā un ražojam lielā apjomā.
Mūsu vīzija neattiecas tikai uz precēm – mēs vēlamies radīt labāku ikdienu ikvienam, kas savu ceļu iet kopā ar mums.
Sustainability Developer Baltics
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